Friday, June 1, 2012

New cover - Rihanna's "Umbrella"

Some blogs may have really specific focuses.   I guess the good ones do.  And I guess the original focus of this blog was to help me lose weight.  What a cliche.  Anyway, at this point I think the purpose of this blog is just to have one more outlet in my life.

I'm a person who over thinks.  Not necessarily over thinks situations, but just who truly thinks too much.  Part of this creative renaissance as I like to call it means that I feel ready to explode all of the time with ideas, arguments, music, lyrics, anything.  I didn't always know where to go or what to do with all of it.  Now I have a lot of healthy outlets.  There is of course cooking and baking, singing, playing the piano, reading, teaching myself the guitar, and writing in general.  I currently have open five "songs" and one novel on my computer desktop as well as Garageband, where I recorded my latest youtube video.  I have used all of these things today.  The "songs" are in quotations because although they have some sense of melody in places, they don't have music or real structure per se.  I just write whatever comes to mind on the nearest outlet.  It might be a napkin, it might be the bottom of another document or a receipt.  If the computer is open, it's the closet word document.  Sometimes I go back and piece them together with the idea that one day, they will be whole songs.

The truth is, I need to be multitasking all of the time or I feel like I'll go crazy.  For example in the car.  Yesterday, I spent 3 hours driving because morons see some rain and forget how to move their vehicle.  This is awesome when I feel like singing or have something good to think about.  But when I have something negative on the mind, like some idiot jerkface who I want to punch in the stomach, and no escape; just me and the bumper to bumper traffic, well, I'm a basket case.  I need paper or something nearby all the time.

Anyway, I made a great salad for lunch today consisting of pearl barley, curry, cardamom, mustard seeds, coriander, lemon, onion, red pepper, chicken and arugula.  It was quite delicious and I have lots of leftovers.  Recipe is from Bon Apetit magazine and can be found here Curried Spelt Salad (I couldn't find spelt so I used pearl barley and it worked deliciously.  I also substituted red bell pepper for carrots because I think carrots are gross).

In the interest of staying true to this blog, today I ate:

10 am - Oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, salt and cinnamon; Coffee with cream

3:30 pm - The aforementioned salad

8:30 pm - Leftover slow cooker chicken and salsa in a low carb tortilla with avocado and a side of asparagus and a yukon gold potato (with spray butter and greek yogurt).

Throughout the day,  a lot of Fresca... my drink of choice as I try to drink less Diet Coke.

Here is my work of the day - A cover of Rihanna's "Umbrella".  Enjoy.

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