Friday, January 28, 2011

An Interesting Night

Ya know, last night was just weird.  Obviously the internet is not a safe space so this blog generally has to stick to totally kosher topics that I don't mind the world seeing.  Not a totally safe "strangers and best friends" only sort of space. I'll leave it at weird. 

Work was a bit stressful because we had a "learning walk" which is when people from the network come around and observe our every move.  During my 3rd hour class, a total of 7 people observed me and that is enough to stress out anyone, let alone a teacher trying to get 25 students organized to do research on laptops and being judged for every single thing in your room from having student work up, to an organized and thorough planning binder using all of the right templates,to proper objectives being written, to explicit instructions and assessment for students, classroom management and a whole bevy of other delights.  My coteacher once compared our school to having a garage with an amazing set of tools.  Almost every tool you could ever dream to have would be in this garage.  Now the only issue is that every time you want to do something using the tools, you have to use every single tool in the garage, no matter how inconvenient or ineffective it might be.  Only my school doesn't actually have every tool available.  We don't have a library and we only have 23 working computers available to do student research that take more time starting up than you generally have in a class period.  By tools, we have a lot of paperwork.  OK, work vent session over.

I was denied at the tanning salon because it had not been a complete 24 hours since my last tan (I was short one hour) so that was rather disappointing.  Went home and had some leftovers, finally put my laundry away.  Had a ridiculous conversation with a ridiculous friend and watched some predominantly mindless television. 

American Idol update: For anyone watching this season so far, first of all I really like the positive adjustments.  Though I loved Simon, the show just has a lot more energy at this point and the contestants seem way better.  Still makes me wish I'd auditioned at some point and now I'm almost too old.  Damn it. 

In any case, Wednesday night the last contestant they showed was Chris Medina, a talented young man whose beautiful fiance was in a tragic accident, leaving her nearly brain dead.  She is in a very long road to recovery and is starting to be able to get back basic movement and speech capacity.  Chris stands by her side lovingly, refusing to abandon her so it was wonderful to see the reaction the judges and viewers had to his story and voice.  The couple happen to be good friends with many of my friends from Starbucks and you may have noticed that his proposal took place in a Starbucks.  It's that whole Starbucks family connection so keep Chris and Juliana in your thoughts through the remainder of this season... they could sure use some good news. 

Food for the day:

6:30 a.m. - coffee and creamer

11:00 a.m. - Turkey wrap on low carb tortilla  with low fat cottage cheese

3:30 p.m. - banana

5:30 p.m. - peanut butter - this is probably a habit I really should stop although I am losing weight... at a slower rate than would be ideal. 

7 p.m. - leftover cranberry glazed pork and cauliflower mashed potatoes.

That's all.  Back to work now I suppose.

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