Monday, January 3, 2011

Diet Cherry Coke for Dessert? It'll Have to Do...

I must say that getting fat has a few benefits.  For example, certain body parts have become delightfully round and plump... at the expense of the rest of my body getting round and plump of course.  Clearly, they will be the first thing to go and I'll have to deal with going back to blah in that region if I'm successful in this plan.  Just some notes I was observing to myself when I got home from work.

So today is day one of this whole eating healthy thing and already I'm sitting here craving something sweet.  In all honesty, the title of this post is a bold-faced lie.  I don't even have Diet Cherry Coke.  Jewel Osco was all out.  Out of that and just about every produce item I wanted as well.  How does Jewel run out of celery?  Ridiculous.  They didn't even have the stir-fry pan I've been saving stickers to get for free.  :( In any case, I chose some Diet A&W Root Beer instead.  Either way, it's not the ice cream sundae I want.  Or the second dinner for that matter.

OK, enough whining about that.  Truthfully, I didn't eat as much as I should have today.  As a teacher on my first day back from winter break facing the fact that my coteacher and confidant just up and quit, I was too stressed to really think about food. I worked through my lunch break picking at a Lean Cuisine and didn't really end up eating much until I got home around 7:30.  Here's the break down:

6:30 am - Coffee and a small amount of creamer.  The only reason I'm really lured out of bed in the morning at all.

11:30 am - Pasta Primavera Lean Cuisine - A favorite, but one of the smaller, lighter versions of what is already a smaller, lighter excuse for a meal.

12:30 am - Clementine.... it was virtually juiceless.  Waste of calories (the about 25 calories it probably was)

4:00 pm - Large Honey Crisp Apple - So large my coworkers all commented in fact.  

7:30 pm - Chicken and vegetables in a curry sauce and a side of caprese salad

               - I always try to keep a rotisserie chicken on hand, especially when I'm trying to eat healthy.  Easy to cut up and throw into a stir fry with pepper, onion, jalapeno and a little curry sauce.  Can't eat the skin of course.
Made a salad on the side with fresh mozzarella, sliced tomato, avocado, red onion, basil, italian seasoning, a dash of olive oil and a strawberry basil vinaigrette.  

I'll probably eat one of those healthy Jello Mousse things or something in a little bit.   So far so good.

As for working out, well I didn't get home from work until 7:15 tonight and was tired and hungry so no form of working out happened.  Hopefully I'll kick my ass or something soon.  Look at me, already making excuses.  But hey, I didn't spend any money today!

OK, off to enjoy how clean and tidy my place is now that the Christmas decorations are down and watch some meaningless TV.

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