Thursday, August 2, 2012

Last Cake Class :(

So Cece and my last cake decorating class was this Tuesday, which is very sad.  We were getting used to being there and hanging out with the other people in the class.  We want to take level 3, which is gum paste and fondant (skipping level two), but they said they aren't sure when they will be starting that class because they don't have a teacher for it.  Unfortunate.  Anyway, now I know how to make roses, so I wanted to share my final cake on this gloriously pointless blog.

Yes, the cake says "Mediocre Wednesday" as this cake was left in my office yesterday and let's be honest, what is the point of wishing your coworkers a happy Wednesday?  It's Wednesday.  It's not going to be that exciting.

I ended up going out with some friends to celebrate various accomplishments.  Promotion, live interview for Jeopardy, first review of my book....

Yep!  My dear friend Rachael was the first person to take the time to read and give feedback on my book and it was so insightful and interesting!  I got to hear someone talk about my characters as actual characters, not just people in my head based sort of on real people in my life.  Some of her advice was awesome and I definitely plan to start incorporating it into the book once I get a few more good conversations out of the pre-readers of it.  It is so nice to have friends willing to help you out by reading and giving feedback on your book, and while it is totally terrifying for my to share anything I write with anyone (which is why I do it so infrequently), it feels awesome to actually get solid feedback and feel like something doesn't totally suck.  I mean who knows.  Maybe Rachael is just an awesome liar and the book is actually the worst thing she has ever read in her life.  But either way, I felt really good about our discussion of it and am looking forward to rewriting.

Anyway, here's my sweet cake as promised:

Mediocre Wednesday Cake

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